Following work based on Language by Porter Robinson, found here at the brilliant Literacy Shed, we wrote narrative episodes, featuring a dramatic start.
Enjoy the recordings below: We have been learning about the Highwayman Poem by Alfred Noyes.
We discussed what makes a good poetry performance and here it is: It might be useful for tomorrow's Big Writing, where we will retell the story. We are packed and ready to go. After that, we have the final challenge activity. See you all soon... Year 5 and 6 had a fantastic last day of term at Tanfield Comp today. The two Steves (Barlow and Skidmore) entertained us with hilarious tales from their stories. As you can see from the video below, it was a fully interactive experience, which the children raved about on the way home! They encouraged us to believe that 'we are all writers'. My favourite part was when they said that you should write about what you know: YOU! They also took the time to talk to Leah about her 100wc post. What was your favourite part? Enjoy the video below - sorry there is no sound, but I've added a Youtube clip to make it more atmospheric! Spooky Literacy Day from Mark temple on Vimeo. The Star of the Week was Abbie, for preparing herself for lessons and always acting on feedback in both Literacy and Numeracy!
This week has been a blogging bonanza so it has been very hard to choose a best Blogger of the Week. Thus, the following children who did the 100 word challenge online are the winners: Rose, Lucy, Alyssa, Jack F., Ryan, Adam and Kristen. Nathan gave us the Sentence of the Week: "Unfortunately, we will have to make some new boats because in the storm they got wrecked." Meanwhile, Curtis won Text of the Week. You can hear a (very expressive) recording of his persuasive argument below! Well done, everyone - keep working hard! We have worked hard in the last week. Below are our various class awards to show what we have achieved:
Star of the Week: Despite feeling unwell for most of the week, Jodie dragged herself in every day! A terrific attitude! Blogger of the Week: Leah P. for leaving our blog's first comment! Sentence of the Week: In addition, I have to get up early and scrub the decks and mend the sails which is exhausting. (Nathan C.) |
AuthorWe are Year 6 at Tanfield Lea Community Primary School, a primary school in County Durham who want to broaden our horizons and to show the world what we have to offer. We are using this blog to explore web design, write creatively and as a wider audience for the class' talents!